In advance of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie this summer, Marvel have announced a new series featuring the man of the hour himself, Star Lord!
The series titled ‘Legendary Star Lord’ will be written by ‘Higher Earth’ and ‘Avengers A.I’ scribe Sam Humphries. Art duties will fall to Paco Medina most recently of Ultimate Comics X-Men and Avenging Spider-Man. The cover artist will be Steve McNiven, who was the penciller on Civil War (amongst many other things). No artwork has been released as of yet so the image above is from the Guardians run by Bendis and McNiven.
With the recently announced Rocket Raccoon series and on-going success of the Guardians of the Galaxy series by Brian Bendis, here’s hoping that readers don’t get sick of the plucky heroes once the movie is released.
Via Bleeding Cool