‘What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet’ – Juliet, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet I want you to close your eyes. Now, one at a time, I want you to ...
Read More »Ingrained prejudice: How do we change our defaults?
When talking to Gollancz’s Publishing Director, Gillian Redfearn, at Nine Worlds (you can listen to the full conversation here), I’ve been mulling over something she said. Gillian posited that we may have a gender default – where we automatically default ...
Read More »The boys’ club: Why literary awards are so problematic
Awards on any creative works are always going to be controversial – how can you call anything the ‘best’ of its kind when enjoyment and appreciation of creative works are entirely subjective? We take the same approach to awards as ...
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